REVIEW: Yoga & Sex … for Women (over 40) by Kathryn Haywood & Dan Mersh at Canal Cafe Theatre 8-13 July 2024

Mariam Mathew • Jul 11, 2024


‘Kath keeps the pace going and gags coming’ ★★★★


We initially meet Kath positioned (and boy is this show about positions!) in a headstand, with her big lips t-shirt and bright yoga pants, as she starts talking to us upside down. In a flawless Australian accent. Kath (Kathryn Haywood) is a yoga instructor who is giving a sex lecture (or sexture) for the audience. Her research is based on Aussie texts from the ‘60s by Nancy Phelan and Michael Volin, such as Yoga for Women, Sex and Yoga and Yoga Over Forty. Quoting from these books is a source of humour in itself, but Kath manages to find all forms of humour to use throughout the show.


Kath begins by addressing three problems from the book: being a woman, being over 40, and sex. Using quotes from the socially archaic book, yoga positions, audience members, and her wonderful facial expressions, she keeps us engaged and laughing throughout the 60 minutes of the show. There are several phone interruptions from her date Dave, through which we learn a bit about Kath’s own love life and attitudes.


The show uses a structure based on the books, particularly looking at Phelan’s concerns about women’s “face, figure, mind, and mood”, and incorporates some lovely audience participation. Kath warmly convinces people to leave the comfort of their chairs to get to the stage without knowing what would be asked of them. She reads the space well and chooses people who would be game, though reflexively changing their names. The discussion and actions about sex are direct, but not lewd. Of course, the climax (pun intended) is when Kath brings in information from the Kama Sutra and shares the three types of men and four types of women, and finds audience members to suit.


This character-based comedy uses physical humour to verbal jokes to Kath’s own Instagram page (@kathyogasm) and even fart humour, Kath keeps the pace going and gags coming. Heading to Edinburgh shortly, this show should do well and not just with the over 40’s. Edinburgh has probably never seen anyone enact such physical (and phallic) antics on stage… in yoga pants.


Yoga & Sex … for Women (over 40) by Kathryn Haywood & Dan Mersh at Canal Cafe Theatre 8-13 July 2024

Box Office

Written by Kathryn Haywood and Dan Mersh

Performed by Kathryn Haywood

Directed by Dan Mersh


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