New Paragraph‘Beautifully directed, humorously written, and warmly performed.’ ★★★★
‘Alice in Wonderland’ was Lewis Carroll's story of a young girl's growth and progression through childhood. As Alice meets the characters in Wonderland, she develops a sense of identity and makes sense of the rules and logic of the world. ‘Wonder in Aliceland’ is Alice Henley’s play about two female friends making sense of the very real world of womanhood together, as their identities evolve in the process.
Alice (ALICE HENLEY) and Zahra (ZAHRA BROWNE) are close friends who work through the challenges of modern life together, including some major topics which are addressed sensitively, such as dating safely and date rape, trying to conceive, not getting STIs, marriage difficulties, raising children, and the different societal expectations for men and women. In each of these conversations, as they muse towards the end, their discussions seem to revolve around men.
In four scenes, each moving forward by five years, until the fourth which brings us back to the evening of the initial scene, what these conversations are really about is two women supporting each other through the challenges they face at different stages of life. Using a flexible set, and appropriate lighting, the pair perform this piece with charm and relaxed flair.
Beautifully directed, humorously written, and warmly performed, Wonder in Aliceland underlines the realities of modern womanhood. Yet, these two friends support each other, from youth into midlife, and demonstrate that even if men come into their conversations, it is their female friendships that get them through.
I have a great affection for this piece. It truly is a wonder.
Written by Alice Henley
Performed by Zahra Browne and Alice Henley
Directed by James Wren
Reviewed by Mariam Mathew