REVIEW: HOW LONG DO YOU THINK IT’S GONNA TAKE? at Baron’s Court Theatre 2 - 6 July 2024

John Montgomery • Jul 07, 2024

‘A fun and creative twist on a multiverse storyline with two skilful comic performances.’ ★★★ ½


Ever since Marvel’s Avengers introduced us to its multiverse, alternative universe plots have been somewhat commonplace across the entertainment world. You’d imagine then that ‘How Long Do You Think It's Gonna Take?’ would lose marks for originality for following a similar vein, yet it manages to offer a fresh and imaginative take on the genre, splicing humour with surrealism and topping it off with a zombie apocalypse.


The play follows Marco, played by Alessandro de Cominato, and Isabel, played by Cova Camblor, in three separate storylines, each from its own parallel universe. Their relationship and overall personalities differ in each to the point where they are essentially different characters with only their names in common, allowing both performers the opportunity to showcase their natural comedic skills.


The first version of Marcos and Isabel is perhaps the weakest of the three, a couple attending the funeral of their dog while deliberating accusations of cheating. Its charm is in the ludicrous situation but the dialogue slips a little close to the unnatural at times. Version two is far more appealing with the couple meeting for the first time at a vampire convention and the power dynamic turning on its head. The final version where they are canines is a treat to witness and probably explains more about who Marcos and Isabel are than any other.


While the three storylines are all interesting to a degree, they do lack the big plot driving moments to keep the audience completely engaged throughout. As they jump from story to story, there’s a lack of enticing moments to draw us back to the previous ones. It feels more like a sketch show at times rather than a play and it would have benefited from bigger cliffhangers to drive the story forward. That’s not to say they aren’t entertaining; they just lack the elements that would make each of them able to stand on their own and this ultimately impacts the overall experience when they are combined.


De Cominato does an excellent job of finding the range of Marcos, from the loud and brash Italian to the sombre, geeky Englishman. Meanwhile, Camblor manages to steal every scene with as a little as a glance, her deadpan reactions akin to those you’d find from Audrey Plaza in Parks and Recreation. Their comic timing is on point throughout and It’s clear that the play is more a vehicle for their talent rather than the other way around.


Anca Vaida’s direction compliments both the story and performances with transitions that are unique and creative to the point where they become as eventful as the main plotlines themselves. She uses the Baron’s Court stage and minimal set to full effect, making the space seem bigger than it is. On occasion she breaks the fourth wall which perhaps pushes the play further towards that sketch show sensation but it never feels off putting and seems to fit with the narrative.


How Long Do You Think It's Gonna Take? is not a perfect play, but it never feels as if it’s trying to be. It’s a fun and creative twist on a multiverse storyline with two skilful comic performances which just lacks a more polished script to take it to the next level.


Written and performed by: Cova Camblor and Alessandro de Cominato

Director: Anca Vaida


Reviewed by John Montgomery

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