REVIEW: BLOODY INFLUENCERS at Barons Court Theatre 7 - 11 February 2023

Heather Jeffery • 11 February 2023

‘Begovic as Instagram queen, Daisy, really shines in the comedic moments of the show’


This show about a social media influencer (played by Ena Begovic) had a very nifty method of immersing audience members in its milieu. Making a pre-show appearance, Begovic as Daisy (aka Lucija Antonija Matic) offered people a chance of have a selfie with her. Begovic was so much, the part of the gorgeous Instagram Queen, that it was impossible to resist and there was a real buzz before the play even began.  We were asked to follow her @daisy_beautyme and in return she would post the pictures on her Instagram account.


The idea that social media is ‘fake’ is made plain from the first scene, even down to Daisy’s blonde bombshell wig.  As Daisy’s story unfolds we begin to understand the insecurities which drive her.  Daisy’s need for validation, and attention eventually lead to her to taking drastic action.   This near fatal step results in her making friends with someone whose friendship is ‘real’. For one moment, it seems that Daisy is adjusting to a life without the need for media attention. However, in a final twist, it seems likely that she is still attempting to grab all the ‘me-time’ she can get.   It’s a really neat ending to the show. 


Begovic as Daisy, really does look the part as the influencer and she isn’t afraid to show a less glamorous side of herself either, so it feels like a brave performance. Whilst Begovic really shines in the comedic parts of the show, I would really like to see her flesh out this complex human being and give Daisy a more in depth portrayal. 


The play is at its best in the comic moments.  Written by Eva Begovic herself, along with Ben Mansbridge, there are some nice one liners.  For example when showing the lengths to which Daisy will go to get followers or just how much she’s thinking about the next ‘hit’ (10,000 likes) on Instagram. Even when she’s trying to quit her addiction, she can’t switch it off: “I’m subconsciously taking pictures of my groceries”.


The message comes across loud and clear, showing us how social media can feed insecurities but perhaps it is a little too on the nose at times.   It trawls social media to give us the lowdown on some of its insider vocabulary; ghosting, trolls, super viral, (sometimes adding explanations for the uninitiated). It feels a little preachy at times and possibly a little simple for it’s largely 20, 30s something audience. It’s a play which is crying out to be non-linear or to have a more original soundtrack, video or staging. At the moment, all of these things are adequate but could benefit from more imagination to take the show to the next level. It has legs for sure, it is promising work from this East London Theatre Collective.   


BLOODY INFLUENCERS at Barons Court Theatre 7 - 11 February 2023

Box office

Produced by East London Theatre Collective

Written by Ben Mansbridge & Ena Begovic

Performed by: Ena Begovic

Director: Sofia Zaragoza


Theatre Social Media Details:

Twitter: @BaronsCourt_W14

Facebook: /BaronsCourtTheatre

Instagram: @baronscourtw14

Play Social Media Details:

Instagram: @daisy_beautyme


Reviewed by Heather Jeffery, Editor of London Pub Theatres Magazine


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